Buttock Augmentation
By Dr. Victor Urzola

There are two surgical options with very satisfactory results: cohesive silicone gel implants and fat injecting removed by liposuction from other parts of the body for people who wish to increase the size of their buttocks.

Dr. Victor Urzola is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers an unparalleled level of experience and research-based expertise with elegant, natural-looking results. To schedule an appointment for a consultation go to the contact page. In addition to serving patients from Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States, we welcome patients from all over the world. Dr. Urzola speaks Italian, Spanish, English and French.

Buttock Augmentation

Silicone implants are similar to breast implants, but stronger and with a special format that makes them suitable for aesthetic improvement of the buttocks in a permanent and reversible way. Not to be confused with liquid silicone injections which are banned because of the disasters they have caused. Any injectable substance other than the patient's own fat is totally contraindicated until further studies.

Buttock augmentation with lipoinjection:

Fat transplantation is self-grafting of your own fat removed during liposuction. It increases the volume of the buttocks and modeling. The injections have their own fat in the buttocks durability than other areas of the body as the natural characteristics of the buttocks makes them well suited to accumulate fat. It is not considered so much as a burden and a graft itself is under special care so that the fat graft "promise" and the cells survive and behave like normal tissue. They modeled the body shapes, not only by increasing volume sharper, but also in balance with neighboring areas, which are reduced during harvesting and fat transfer to make the buttocks appear more obvious. This procedure lifts the upper, center and lateral part of the buttocks and the lower part a little, but not enough in cases of extreme thinness, flaccidity and sagging lower buttocks.

Buttock augmentation with implants:

These implants are very similar to those used in breast augmentation and can accentuate the curves of the buttocks and even more so when accompanied by liposuction of the regions around the thighs and waist ourselves as helping to define them more precisely. The silicone gel implant is very useful for those people who exercise to develop and make their muscles, but fail in the buttocks the same level of development in the rest of the body and not enough fat to lipotransfer buttock augmentation. Intramuscular augmentation involves creating a pocket within the large, gluteus maximus muscle. In contrast, the subfascial augmentation procedure creates a pocket beneath the fascia, which is a tissue membrane that covers the top of the muscle. Using this technique, the implant is protected by muscle fiber and tissue, producing a comfortable, natural-looking and visually pleasing result. This technique has been shown to produce the best results and fewer complications.


Before and After

Are buttock implants right for you?

The best candidates for buttock implants are men and women who are in good health, but are bothered by the appearance of their buttocks. Buttock implants are ideal for those who want to enlarge, lift or even reshape their buttocks.

How is the surgery performed?

As you have learned previously, there are different implant placement options available Dr. Urzola uses whichs intramuscular implant placement has been shown to produce the best results. The procedure begins with an incision through the skin along a pre-marked line near your tailbone hidden at the top of the intragluteal crease, which is the line that extends between the buttocks. Using an electrocautery device or a scalpel, Dr. Urzola carefully cuts horizontally underneath the layers of skin to access the fascia above the gluteus maximus muscle on each side of the buttocks. Retractors retain the skin while Dr. Urzola cuts through the fascia and proceeds to separate fibers of the gluteus maximus. A pocket is formed in the muscle that is approximately ½ inch larger than the implant dimensions. A fiberoptic retractor is used to check for complete dissection. A drain, which allows fluid to drain out of your body as it heals, is put in place and the pocket is cleaned.

The FDA-approved cohesive silicone gel implants are inserted and carefully positioned, ensuring a tension-free fit inside the muscle. Once both implants are in place, Dr. Urzola will verify that they look natural and symmetrical. The pocket openings of each implant are carefully sutured. The openings used to access the sides of the buttocks under the skin are sutured to the midline, and the incision in the intragluteal fold is closed. Finally, a bandage will be placed after surgery to provide compression and support.

What to expect after surgery?

Dr. Urzola will place you in a compression garment that you will wear for a couple of days to several weeks. This garment helps reduce swelling by preventing fluid accumulation, while improving blood circulation and supporting the new contours of your buttocks as you recover. You will need to sleep on your stomach and should avoid sitting as much as possible for approximately two to four weeks. You can expect some stiffness and swelling in the buttocks and nearby regions, resulting from the incision and tissues being stretched during the operation. You may also experience some mild pain that can be controlled with oral medications. Surgical drains will probably be removed in a few days to a week, while the non-soluble external sutures will remain in place for one to two weeks. While you may feel well enough to return to work and normal activities in two to four weeks after the procedure, you will need to avoid strenuous leg exercise for about a month and a half.

The risks of buttock implants

As with all surgical procedures, there are risks or complications of surgery. Modern surgical techniques reduce these risks to a minimum, but patients are urged to discuss with their physician the risks and complications of all surgical procedures contemplated. During the consultation Dr. Urzola will explain in detail each of the possible complications and risks of this surgery.


What is the cost of a Buttock Augmentation?