Breast Augmentation
By Dr. Victor Urzola

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that increases the size, shape and fullness of the breasts through the use of implants or fat transfer. As one of the leading cosmetic surgery practices in the country, Dr. Urzola offers a wide range of breast enhancement options to create a balanced female silhouette that looks completely natural.

Dr. Victor Urzola is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers an unmatched level of experience and research-based expertise with elegant, natural-looking results. If you would like to improve the size and shape of your breasts, call +506-2208-8851 today to schedule a consultation appointment or go to the contact page. In addition to serving patients from Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States, we welcome patients from all over the world with Dr. Urzola's facility to speak Italian, Spanish, English and French.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

While breast enlargement surgery offers a number of life-changing benefits, it cannot correct problems such as significant breast sagging.

Depending on your particular situation, Dr. Urzola may recommend a breast lift in conjunction with your breast augmentation surgery to achieve the best possible result. Schedule your initial consultation now to meet personally with Dr. Urzola to discuss all of your treatment options.

Breast augmentation is more than simply creating a larger cup size. With an artistic eye, Dr. Urzola strives to create beautiful breasts that complement your natural body. If you want to correct breasts that are uneven, naturally small, or have lost mass and volume after pregnancy or weight loss, breast augmentation may be your ideal solution. The procedure offers benefits such as:

  • Breast enlargement
  • Refined breast shape
  • Volume restored
  • Correction of breast asymmetry
  • More pronounced neckline
  • A more balanced figure Firmer breasts.

Before and After

Am I a candidate for breast augmentation?

If you are at least 18 years old for saline breast implants or 22 years old for silicone breast implants and in generally good health, you are likely to be a good candidate for breast enlargement.

In addition, the ideal candidates for breast augmentation:
  • Do not smoke or be willing to quit before surgery and throughout the recovery process.
  • Are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are at or near ideal weight
  • They have enough breast tissue to cover the implant.
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Are able to adhere to Dr. Urzola's postoperative instructions.

This list is only a general overview and is in no way intended to replace a personal meeting with our board-certified plastic surgeon. During your initial consultation with Dr. Urzola, he will thoroughly evaluate your physical condition, review your medical history, discuss your goals, evaluate your candidacy and explain all of your treatment options. Together, you will collaborate on the solution that best suits your body, budget and lifestyle.

Types of breast implants

Dr. Urzola sculpts breasts with a vision. He looks at you as a whole and carefully assesses your dimensions, height, goals and lifestyle. With this comprehensive approach, he can create contours that look and feel exceptionally natural, aligned with your unique goals and physique.

This silicone-based breast implant varies slightly from other implants due to its ability to maintain its shape while maintaining a soft, flexible feel.

This type of breast implant is FDA approved for patients who are at least 22 years of age. Silicone breast implants are filled with a soft, elastic gel and feel incredibly natural.

Breast implant placement options

Dr. Urzola sculpts breasts with a vision. He looks at you as a whole and carefully assesses your dimensions, height, goals and lifestyle. With this comprehensive approach, he can create contours that look and feel exceptionally natural, aligned with your unique goals and physique.


The breast implant is placed behind the breast tissue and above the pectoralis muscle. This option is often chosen by women with thicker natural breast tissue and can improve the appearance of mild sagging.

Double Plane

This option employs subglandular and submuscular placement; the upper part of the implant is submuscular, while the lower part of the implant is covered only by breast tissue.


The breast implant is placed under the pectoralis muscle. It provides a more natural soft tissue "padding" over the breast implant and is often a good option for women with little natural breast tissue or for those who do vigorous chest muscle exercise or bodybuilding.

What is the cost of breast augmentation?

You are a unique person and this is how we treat your procedure, the cost of breast augmentation can vary from patient to patient, the variables are the type of implant and placement of the implant.