By Dr. Victor Urzola

Facelift or rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure that improves the visible signs of aging in the lower face and neck by surgically resecting excess skin and fat and then tightening the skin and repositioning the lax muscles of the face.

Dr. Victor Urzola is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers an unparalleled level of experience and research-based expertise with elegant, natural-looking results. To schedule an appointment for a consultation go to the contact page. In addition to serving patients from Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States, we welcome patients from all over the world. Dr. Urzola speaks Italian, Spanish, English and French.


This procedure improves the contour of the jaw and cheeks and softens smile marks from the edges of the nose to the corners of the mouth. 

This procedure is done in a personalized way studying the features of each patient and the desired results. This procedure can be performed alone or with other procedures such as brow lift, eyelid or nose surgery or even jowl liposuction.


Is this procedure right for you?

Facelift surgery is an option for those people who would like to eliminate those signs of aging such as:

  • Sink holes in the face

  • Deep creases under the lower eyelids

  • Smile marks from the nose to the mouth

  • Sagging of the cheeks due to loss of muscle tone in the lower face

  • Excess skin and/or fatty tissue under the jawline and chin and neck

The best candidates for this procedure are those who have any of these signs of aging but still have skin elasticity and well-defined bone structure. This typically includes people in their 40's through 70's who are in good physical and emotional condition.

Before and After

How is the procedure done?

This procedure begins with an incision along the hairline at the temple and downward following the ear line.

The skin is separated from the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS), fatty tissue and the muscles underneath. The sagging tissue is toned and repositioned; the skin is then tightened and excess skin is trimmed to produce a firmer, more youthful appearance. 

As part of the procedure, a technique called lipofilling is performed, which involves taking fatty tissue from other areas of the body and injecting it into the desired areas of the face. This is how dramatic improvement of nasolabial folds and marionette lines is achieved. Two small drains and a special dressing are placed around the face to reduce the risk of hematoma. In addition, intravenous antibiotics are administered to reduce the risk of infection.

What to expect after surgery?

After the procedure you will have to spend one night in our clinic under the supervision of a nurse dedicated exclusively to your care. Local cryotherapy will be applied to further reduce bruising. The next morning, Dr. Urzola will visit you to change the dressing and if possible remove the drains placed the day before. At that time it is determined if you can be discharged to the recovery center.

The stitches are usually removed five days after surgery. You are strongly advised to rest and rest as much as possible for the next week and to avoid any activity that requires strenuous physical exertion for at least 15 days. You may feel the skin of your face numb and tight for about 6 weeks after the procedure, but normally after 4 weeks you will feel and look great.


How should I expect to feel? 

  • Pain: it is tolerable and generally subsides with analgesics. It usually occurs only in the first 4 to 6 days.

  • Facial and neck swelling: gradually decreases, disappearing
    around the third week.

  • Small areas of ecchymosis (bruising). 

  • Constipation: is a side effect of decreased activity,
    the use of analgesics and dehydration.

  • Nausea.

  • It is common for the skin of your face to feel a little "cushioned", Dr. Urzola will place a special bandage around your face, this will make you feel that it is difficult to hear, and that it is very tight; however, you should not touch it.

  • Drainage 

What is the cost of Rhytidectomy?