By Dr. Victor Urzola

This is a procedure used to remove excess skin and fatty tissue located on the arms. Due to weight loss and aging, many people have the problem of excess skin and fatty tissue hanging from the arm. 

Dr. Victor Urzola is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers an unparalleled level of experience and research-based expertise with elegant, natural-looking results. To schedule an appointment for a consultation go to the contact page. In addition to serving patients from Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States, we welcome patients from all over the world. Dr. Urzola speaks Italian, Spanish, English and French.

Who are candidates for this procedure?

The best candidates for this procedure are those patients who are in good health and whose main concern is excess skin and tone in the arms. Individuals who do not have excess skin and good skin tone and simply wish to remove excess fat may benefit from laser liposuction. Once the fat is removed and thanks to the effects of the laser on the skin, it will retract and restore a youthful anatomy. 

This procedure is not recommended for patients who have undergone a mastectomy due to the risks associated with this procedure.

How is the surgery performed?

Once the preoperative marking is done, an incision is made on the inner aspect of the arm. Excess tissue is removed by shaping the arms in a natural fashion and carefully sutured so that a line is left extending from the elbow to the armpit.

This procedure takes approximately three hours and can be combined in some cases with liposuction, depending on the patient's preferences.

The incisions are closed with absorbable sutures, a drainage and a bandage is placed to protect the incisions. Once the surgery is finished, a compression band is placed to protect and support the arm.


What to expect after surgery

This surgery can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. After surgery, patients stay overnight in our clinic under the supervision of the nursing service. The morning after surgery, Dr. Urzola will assess the patient to determine if he or she can be discharged.

Follow-up appointments are scheduled with Dr. Urzola's staff after surgery. During these appointments, drains and dressings will be removed. 

Patients who have undergone brachioplasty will experience some degree of swelling for several weeks. It is mandatory for patients not to expose themselves to the sun since the wound will be sensitive. If sun exposure is absolutely necessary, sunscreen SPF 40 or higher protection should be used. 


Before and After

Risks of Brachioplasty

Any surgical procedure involves the possibility of risk. Although most patients do not experience any complications, it is important to understand the risks, possible complications and consequences of brachioplasty. 

Bleeding: Although highly unusual. Some patients may experience bleeding during or after surgery. Accumulation of blood under the skin may delay healing. Should post-operative bleeding occur, the patient may require emergency treatment to drain the accumulated blood. In extreme cases, a blood transfusion may be necessary. 

Special medical conditions such as hypertension may cause bleeding during or after surgery. A medical check-up is necessary before surgery. Patients should not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs at least 10 days before surgery, as these medications are attributed to a high risk of bleeding. 

Infection: Infections are unusual in brachioplasty, however Dr. Urzola prescribes prophylactic antibiotics to prevent these types of complications. Should an infection occur, additional treatment such as antibiotics or surgery may be necessary. 

Scarring: Different people heal in different ways. Although most patients heal very well, abnormal scarring may occur in people who have a genetic predisposition for it. The scars may be unattractive and of a different color than the surrounding skin. Additional treatments are available if necessary.

Delayed healing: Some areas around the incision may not heal normally or may take longer to heal. In rare cases, some areas of the skin may die. If this occurs, additional surgery may be necessary to remove the scar tissue.

Asymmetry: The human body is normally asymmetrical. There may be a slight side-to-side variation in the results obtained from an arm lift procedure.

Nerve damage: In rare cases, motor or sensory nerves may be injured during an arm lift operation. Nerve injuries can cause temporary or permanent loss of movement and feeling. 

What is the cost of Brachioplasty?