By Dr. Victor Urzola

Lotoplasty is cosmetic surgery that helps improve the appearance of the ears. This procedure can be done in many ways: reposition very prominent ears, reduce their size or mold the cartilage to improve their shape. The purpose of this procedure is to restore the proper proportions between the ears, head and face.

Dr. Victor Urzola is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers an unparalleled level of experience and research-based expertise with elegant, natural-looking results. To schedule an appointment for a consultation go to the contact page. In addition to serving patients from Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States, we welcome patients from all over the world. Dr. Urzola speaks Italian, Spanish, English and French.


An incision is made in the back of the ear, hiding it between the ear and the head. Otoplasty usually involves trimming or shaping with permanent sutures the cartilage and skin to achieve a proper and aesthetically acceptable shape.



Patients who undergo this procedure report postoperative discomfort and moderate pain which can be treated and controlled with anti-inflammatory drugs. The scar that is produced when placed in the crease is usually not visible.

If the procedure is performed under general anesthesia it is necessary for you to stay in the hospital overnight under direct observation by a nurse. Cold packs are used to minimize pain and edema. The morning after surgery Dr. Urzola will change the healing and discharge you.

If the procedure is performed under local anesthesia the procedure is done on an outpatient basis with scheduled consultations to closely follow the evolution. It is necessary to wear an elastic band at night for four weeks to protect the ears during sleep. It is recommended to rest as much as possible during the first week after surgery and avoid exercise for at least 15 days.

Before and After


In this surgery, complications are rare and if there are any, they are minor. These include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, temporary or definitive sensitivity disorders, visible folds and abnormal scarring in the posterior part of the cartilage. Occasionally the sutures used may be exposed. Every precaution is taken to avoid the insurgence of these complications.

Recommendations for the postoperative period after otoplasty

It is important that you plan ahead for the day of your surgery and have someone you trust at your side to help you get home and take care of you for at least the first day post-surgery.

Once you leave the hospital; here's what you need to know:

How should I expect to feel? 

Pain: will be relieved with analgesics.

Inflammation: gradually decreases, disappearing
around the third week.

Discomfort: since the ears must remain bandaged.

Small areas of ecchymosis (bruising) on the ears. 

How do I care for my incision? 

Keep the incisions clean and dry.

After two or three days, Dr. Urzola removes the bandage, and from that moment on, you can wear your ears in the open air.

The ears should be washed every day after removing the bandage with warm water and neutral soap. To dry them, do not rub them with a towel.

Sutures are removed between the first and second week after surgery. 

When you start to heal, DO NOT remove the pimples, let them fall off on their own.



What is the cost of Otoplasty?