Breast Procedures -
By Dr. Victor Urzola

A mastopexy or breast lift is a procedure to reposition the nipple-areola complex to a desired height by removing excess tissue. It is also used to symmetrize the breasts. Mastopexy can be performed by adding implants, but it is not necessary.

Dr. Victor Urzola is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers an unmatched level of experience and research-based expertise with elegant, natural-looking results. To schedule an appointment for a consultation go to the contact page. In addition to serving patients from Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States, we welcome patients from all over the world. Dr. Urzola speaks Italian, Spanish, English and French.

Who are the candidates for this procedure?

Over time, the skin loses elasticity, so the breasts may be affected. In many cases, mastopexy is a solution for women after pregnancy or after major weight loss. However, this procedure can also help people whose nipple positioning is not symmetrical or whose areolas have stretched.

Similarly, breast lifts are a solution for people who have lax skin due to aging. They are also used in patients with very large breasts who wish to reduce them to a more comfortable size, without neglecting aesthetics.


Before and After

How is the surgery performed?

This type of surgery can vary depending on what is intended to be achieved. That is, whether the procedure includes breast reduction, reduction of the nipple-areola complex or breast augmentation with the help of implants.

The plastic surgeon will choose the type of surgery to be performed, depending on the patient's wishes. This will affect the type of scars resulting from the surgery. 

Mastopexies are performed under general anesthesia and, in most cases, last a maximum of two hours. After another hour in the recovery area of the hospital, the patient can go home.

MILD: A crescent-shaped incision can be used that allows a minimal lift, this technique is used only when the degree of breast sagging is very little and the size of the areola is adequate. It is more feasible to use if it is combined with the use of implants as these help to fill the skin sac, thus contributing to lift the breast. An incision can also be made around the areola, which allows it to be resized to an aesthetically adequate diameter. A strip of skin is removed and a circumferential suture is performed in the form of a tobacco pouch to reduce the excess skin. Similar to the half-moon technique, in these cases the use of implants contributes to increase the degree of lifting.

MODERATE: In these cases the Lejor technique is indicated, which consists of resizing the areola and performing a slightly more extensive skin removal, which results in a scar around the areola and a vertical scar. Initially this vertical scar may be a little puckered or wrinkled and it is possible that the shape of the breast is not completely normal at first, however the scar flattens and the breasts reach their proper shape after a couple of months. It has the advantage of avoiding horizontal scarring. This technique can also be combined with the use of breast implants to increase breast volume.

SEVERE: In these cases it is necessary to use a technique that consists of placing scars around the areola, vertically on the lower pole of the breast and horizontally along the infra mammary sulcus. The result is an anchor-shaped scar.

In some cases of women with a very large lower pole it is possible to use a technique that allows to place only a scar around the areola and a horizontal scar along the infra mammary sulcus, avoiding the vertical scar.


Dr. Urzola will indicate during the consultation which technique will allow you to obtain the best result with the least amount of scars. Once the technique is chosen, incisions are made to remove excess skin and to reduce the size of the areolas, trying to achieve an adequate symmetry and reposition the nipple-areola complex to an aesthetically ideal height.

What to expect after surgery?

After surgery we will provide you with a special bra that you should wear for at least two weeks, ideally one month. If drains are necessary, they will be removed one or two days after surgery, there will be no need to remove threads. It is possible that a small pimple may form along the scar which should not be touched until it falls off on its own.


This is not a painful procedure and you will be able to move around easily the next day, however it is best to limit physical activity for 15 days for optimal recovery. You should avoid heavy lifting, pushing or pulling for approximately one month. Intense exercise should be avoided for one month.


Abstinence from sexual intercourse for two weeks is recommended and breast massage should not be performed for 4 to 6 weeks.

Risks of breast reduction

Breast lift complications are infrequent and usually minor. However, there is always the possibility of complications including infection, bleeding, or an adverse reaction to the anesthesia. Transient or permanent alterations in sensation may occur. In very rare cases, the nipple-areola complex may lose its blood supply causing this tissue to die; if so, it must be reconstructed.


Also in some cases there may be problems for healing, this depends on the biology of each one. Dr. Urzola will try to improve them with different techniques.

During the consultation Dr. Urzola will make an assessment of your skin type and your likelihood of developing poor quality scars.

What is the cost of Mastopexy?

You are a unique person and so we treat your procedure, the cost of mastopexy may vary from patient to patient.